
If you want your face to be tightened, my wrinkles and blemishes to be reduced, and my pores to be tightened without injecting anything into my skin, the application that you can have even during your lunch break and continue your daily life is “4-Dimensional Skin Rejuvenation”.

4-Dimensional Skin Rejuvenation is applied in 4 stages in the same session, using 2 different wavelengths, Er-yag and Nd-yag, in different depths and modes at each stage.

  • The 1st stage, called SMOOTH LIFTING, provides an increase in collagen in the support layer in the mouth that cannot be reached with other procedures. Thus, tension occurs on the upper lip and cheek, and fine wrinkles are opened.
  • The second stage, FRAC3, increases collagen in the dermis layer. It is applied to the entire face and neck, starting from the scalp. Pores shrink and black spots disappear. The skin looks tighter, brighter and more vibrant.
  • The third stage is the PIANO TIGHTENING stage. At this stage, the deepest layer of the skin is heated without any damage to the skin surface. Tightening and lifting in the cheek, chin and chin area begins to be felt after the end of the session.
  • The last stage is SMOOTH PEELING. It is cleared of dead cells on the skin surface. Skin color inequality is eliminated.

The application takes approximately one hour. There will be a slight redness at the end of the procedure. 3-5 sessions can be repeated at approximately one month intervals.